When we get a Error and its Meaning

When we get a Error and its Meaning

Welcome to our blog series dedicated to demystifying common JavaScript errors and helping you become a more confident JavaScript developer.

In JavaScript, you can encounter situations where a variable or value is undefined, results in a ReferenceError, or produces NaN. Here's a brief explanation of each:

  1. undefined: This typically occurs when you try to access a variable or property that has been declared but has not been assigned a value. For example:

     let x;
     console.log(x); // Outputs: undefined

    In this case, x is declared but not assigned a value, so it's undefined.

  2. ReferenceError: This error occurs when you try to access a variable or identifier that has not been declared or is not in scope. For example:

     console.log(y); // Results in a ReferenceError: y is not defined

    In this case, y has not been declared, so trying to access it results in a ReferenceError.

  3. NaN (Not-a-Number): NaN represents the result of an operation that is mathematically undefined or cannot be represented as a valid number. For example:

     result = 'abc' / 2; // result is NaN because 'abc' cannot be converted to a number

    In this case, the division of a string by a number results in NaN because the string cannot be converted into a valid numeric value.

The specific outcome depends on the situation and the operations being performed in your code. You can encounter any of these results in different contexts.